Sabado, Enero 28, 2017

Similarities between the Epic Bi-ag ni Lam-ang and the Legend of Magat River"


* both was a love story
* the main character both went to a journey
* both the main character have techniques on how a girl falls in love with them
* both possesses heroic action
* they both found their true love in the river
* both story brings moral lessons

Considering that the two literary pieces are of different types. Biag ni Lam-Ang classified as an epic and the Legend of Magat River was a legend type of literature. But aside from those differences, there are still similarities between them.

Image result for biag ni lam angImage result for the legend of magat river drawing
Both Biag ni Lam-Ang and the Legend of Magat River was a love kind of story. In Biag ni Lam-Ang, the love story of Lam-Ang and Ines Kannoyan is the center of interest. And also the love story of affection between Magat and the unknown lady prevails in the Legend of Magat River. The main character of the said literary pieces who was Lam-Ang and Magat both went to a journey. Lam-Ang started his journey when he seek for his father who did'nt go home for 9 months. Magat started his journey when he started hunting and went to magat river where he found a lady who is naked. They have also similarities in making a girl fall in love with them. They have the abilities but in different styles. Lam-Ang uses the talents of his pets just to catch the attention of Ines and her parents. While Magat uses his charm and bravery that makes him got the love of the unknown lady.

Both of the two also possesses heroic action. Lam-Ang uses his strength, intelligence and power. Magat also uses his bravey and intelligence. The two literary pieces had also the same setting when they found their special someone. Lam-Ang recognized Ines when he took a bath in the river and Ines is one of the girls who gave him a bath. Magat saw the unknown lady in the magat river when he went in their for hunting.These two literary pieces had also moral lessons.