Lunes, Pebrero 27, 2017

Reaction of the short entitled "Dead Stars"

 It is entitled as Dead Stars because when stars are die, their glow diminishes then eventually vanishes like the feelings of Alfredo when he touches the hand of Julia when they see each other after a year, he realizes that the feelings that he had to her was gone. I believe that everything happens for a reason.  The story doesn’t only focus on the idea of love, but also, it exhibits how one conquers himself by understanding his true feelings. There was Esperanza who got victimized because Alfredo’s relationship with her must have ended. There was Julia who became the convenient excuse for the idea of infatuation. And there was Alfredo who was fooling himself into thinking that he was in love with a person, only to discover he wasn’t even in love at all.  I think Alfredo is failed to find satisfaction or happiness in his relationship with Esperanza, but he may want to simply avoid the problems and seek another means of comfort rather than confront the discourse and it is the core reason why he have a smitten with Julia. Infatuation or smitten is the state of being carried away by an unreasoned passion or love. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out whom you are or who you want to become.  You never know who these people may be, but when you lock eyes with them, you know that at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized it by your heart. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck, Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without the small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight flat road to nowhere.  It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

Sabado, Enero 28, 2017

Similarities between the Epic Bi-ag ni Lam-ang and the Legend of Magat River"


* both was a love story
* the main character both went to a journey
* both the main character have techniques on how a girl falls in love with them
* both possesses heroic action
* they both found their true love in the river
* both story brings moral lessons

Considering that the two literary pieces are of different types. Biag ni Lam-Ang classified as an epic and the Legend of Magat River was a legend type of literature. But aside from those differences, there are still similarities between them.

Image result for biag ni lam angImage result for the legend of magat river drawing
Both Biag ni Lam-Ang and the Legend of Magat River was a love kind of story. In Biag ni Lam-Ang, the love story of Lam-Ang and Ines Kannoyan is the center of interest. And also the love story of affection between Magat and the unknown lady prevails in the Legend of Magat River. The main character of the said literary pieces who was Lam-Ang and Magat both went to a journey. Lam-Ang started his journey when he seek for his father who did'nt go home for 9 months. Magat started his journey when he started hunting and went to magat river where he found a lady who is naked. They have also similarities in making a girl fall in love with them. They have the abilities but in different styles. Lam-Ang uses the talents of his pets just to catch the attention of Ines and her parents. While Magat uses his charm and bravery that makes him got the love of the unknown lady.

Both of the two also possesses heroic action. Lam-Ang uses his strength, intelligence and power. Magat also uses his bravey and intelligence. The two literary pieces had also the same setting when they found their special someone. Lam-Ang recognized Ines when he took a bath in the river and Ines is one of the girls who gave him a bath. Magat saw the unknown lady in the magat river when he went in their for hunting.These two literary pieces had also moral lessons.

Martes, Disyembre 6, 2016

"Why do we need to study Philippine Literature?"


          Philippine Literature serves as the building blocks of the Philippine history as well as it creates a milestone to the lives of many individuals. It treasures the culture and tradition of many Filipino people and serves as a legacy of the Philippines and to the future generations as well. It functions as the basis and standards of all the Filipino men about their role in the society. It renders free service to all Filipinos by providing some thoughts, opinions and suggestions. It creates a mark in the world and makes the mind of many individuals enlightened and possesses high dignity and reputation.

        It is vital to study Philippine Literature because it develops and enhances our skills in communication, vocabulary and reading. It inculcates us on how to be a person that filled with perseverance and a person who possesses good moral value. With the help of Philippine Literature, it sharpens and explore our minds into various types of situation. With this, we can be able to make options and select the best one. It gives a life long learning and a lesson that is printed in our hearts by reading some published books and newspapers. These learnings can be apply in to our daily lives and serves as the boundaries in committing mistakes. Studying Philippine Literature may hard for you, but the lessons and the advices that you will learn and acquire will probably have a great impact to you as a person and it could change you in to a better person.

     Studying Philippine Literature reminds us of how the past generations uplift their ways of living. It recalls the nature of what we are and how we used to be. By concentrating on this field, we would be able to have knowledge and information about the processes and the strategies of what and how we are today. It is the way of knowing as well as investigating the past to gather important events and a way in preparing for the future generations.